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So a lot has happened lately as I alluded to in my previous blog entry on Sunday.  My friends father is out of the hospital and is undergoing treatments.  Please continue to pray for him.

As for me, the long and the short of it is I got rid of my Avalon and have started leasing a Camry.  So far I really enjoy it and when I make my first payment that is a couple hundred dollars less than the Avalon I will really enjoy it!  My finances, for once, really seem to be on the mend.  If all goes according to plan I will have my only remaining credit card paid of by April 2011.  That would be incredible as I could start putting a lot of money in to savings each month which is something I have been irresponsible with in the past.

On the health front, I am still doing well on my new eating healthy and staying active lifestyle.  I haven’t missed a day at the gym since I started in late August and I haven’t deviated from my diet either.  I’m just praying that I will have self control through my birthday and the holidays.  Good news is I am on the last belt notch which is quite a reversal from where I was six weeks ago when I started (where I was on the first belt notch).  It can only get better as long as I am consistent.  Pray for me.

Like I said, my 30th birthday is coming up and I could really care less.  My birthdays lately haven’t been pleasant for me as I am continually reminded of birthdays past with my mom.  She always made things so special and meaningful.  Not to say other family members haven’t stepped up in that regard, it’s just not the same.  I also had a feeling my whole life I wouldn’t live to see my 30th birthday, I guess we have a day and half to find out!

Today is my dad’s 63rd birthday, I am taking him to dinner tonight.  After that I am meeting the guys for basketball as long as it isn’t too windy.  It’s always fun to hang out.  There’s another situation with a friend I don’t want to talk about here, but I am asking for prayer as to how I should proceed.  I’m at the point where I think I just need to cut them off and leave well enough alone.  We’ll see.  Oh, and I get to walk with Wendi at VP today which is fun also.

Day 42 and 43

Lots happened the past few days.  I’ll go in to more detail tomorrow.  Tonight I’m praying for my friends father who is in the hospital with chest pains.  Please pray for Lloyd too.

Day 41

Going to the gym tonight.  Looking forward to it.

Day 40

Walked with Wendi today.  Had a nice chat.  Tonight is dinner at Denny’s with the boys and then basketball at dad’s.

Day 39

Going to Fishlips for lunch with the guys from work.  Gym tonight.

Day 38

I’m going to another round of interviews at County Counsel this morning.  Tonight is the resurgence of Game Night at the Poons.  I can’t wait!

Day 37

People need to learn boundaries.  That’s really irking me today.

Day 35 and Day 36

Ooops, missed a day.  Yesterday was crazy busy.  I left at 7am to go to Lodi with my family to help my Aunt move.  It went fairly smoothly but we didn’t get home until about 8pm.  Long day.  Got to play 1st service at Parkside which went well.  Great sermon by Josh about prayer and making it a part of our ordinary days.  Topped it off with a good lesson in Sunday School on Exodus 14.  Afterwards we went to lunch at Maria Bonita for Kristen and Jeanne’s birthdays.  Then to dad’s house for gifts and cake (I didn’t partake).  All things considered I did really well staying on the diet this weekend, I just wish I could have been more active.  Tomorrow is the gym, and I can’t wait!  Four day weekend coming up.  Saweet!

Day 34


Another light day at work.  Tonight is the gym.  Tomorrow going to Lodi to help my Aunt move.  Sunday I’m playing 1st service at Parkside, then going to small group.

Day 33


I haven’t been very verbose lately in my blogging.  I guess I’ve been distracted.  Things are going well for the most part.  I am being very good so far about staying on my diet and exercising.  I haven’t missed a day at the gym yet and I’ve been active on the days I don’t go (basketball, walking at the mall, etc.).  I think it’s probably the heat getting to me that is making my brain fuzzy.  It’s going to be a crazy busy weekend and I’m not really looking forward to it.  I’m thinking about going to the beach at some point in the next few weeks, but I’m not sure when.  I really don’t want to miss the gym yet as I’m afraid it will get me out of the routine.  We’ll see.  I’ve also decided that the tracking portion of the blog is going to end for now.  I was using it as an accountability tool.  So far I haven’t once in 33 days gone completely off so until I do I am going to trust myself and not track everything online.  I have a big decision coming up regarding my participation in the Christmas Dinner Theater at Parkside.  I’m not sure what function I am wanting to perform this year.  Last year I did the music for all three plays and music in-between.  I was drained after that.  Again, we’ll have to wait and see.  I was supposed to go to dinner with a friend tonight but got stood up.  Not sure what  my plans for the rest of the evening are yet.