
I woke up feeling tired even though I went to bed early.  I’m wondering if I only really need 6-7 instead of 8 hours of sleep at night.  The coffee and Mini-Wheats breakfast seems to have given me a boost so I’m feeling ok right now.  I might be having lunch with Kathy at Rice Bowl, but not for sure.  She’s been in a lot of pain recovering from surgery.  Pray for her please.  I am amazed I haven’t eaten out at all since Monday.  This is the longest I’ve gone in a long time without eating out.  It’s definitely an unhealthy and expensive habit, one I’m hoping this new lifestyle will help me change.  My goal was 10 times in a week as opposed to 15-21 times which was my old norm.  More later.  Sara’s going to the Dr. today to see what’s wrong with her stomach.  Please throw a few prayers her way too as she has been struggling for a week now with moderate to severe stomach pain.  Thanks all.


Good news, Sara is feeling a lot better today and her doctors appointment went well.  Praise God!  We met for lunch at Rice Bowl since Kathy went somewhere else.  I had Chicken Rice Soup which was decent once I added salt and soy sauce.  The good news is it filled me up and I didn’t eat it all.  I have a container leftover that I’ll have for a snack later.  Feels like progress that I’m controlling not only what I’m eating but how much too.  3.25 hours and it’s my weekend!


I cooked hot dogs and grilled corn with roasted peppers for dinner.  It was  a good meal, although the peppers were way too spicy.  Sara couldn’t eat them because of her recent stomach issues.   I liked the flavor though so I will prolly regret it tomorrow.  😉  Anyways, going to go get a decaf passion tea from Starbucks and have a glass of Soy Milk tonight for dessert.  All in all not a bad way to end day 5.  The weekend is going to  be interesting.